Assignment 3 Due Friday Sep 22nd at 10am EST


For this class you should read:

  • From How Learning Works:
    • Chapter 4: How do Students Develop Mastery?
    • Chapter 5: What Kind of Practice and Feedback Enhance Learning?


  • For the lecture you gave in class on dictionaries, please write a set of learning goals (around 3-5) basing this on the discussion and reading we did on Bloom’s taxonomy and on learning goals.

  • Create a 10 minute, on-paper quiz that you might give at the start of the class after you delivered your 5-7 minute introduction to dictionaries. (e.g., in a Monday/Wednesday course, if you gave your 5-7 minute intro on Monday, the quiz would be at the start of Wednesday’s class.) Please bring a paper copy of your quiz to class.